Kent Roofing Specialists

Solar Panel Installation in Edenbridge

GR Regan Roofing » Solar Panels » Edenbridge

Converting your electricity supply to integrate with a solar energy system can provide substantial savings in your utility bills, lower your household’s carbon footprint, generate an income from surplus energy produced, and even boost the sale value of your home!

Fitting solar panels to your roof, also called solar PV (photovoltaic) panels, enables your property to benefit from free, green solar power, converting energy from the sun into electricity for use throughout your property, powering lights, appliances and any other electrical equipment such as an electric vehicle charger.

Generating renewable electricity provides ongoing savings, and with uncertainty around energy prices and the reliability of mains power in several areas around Edenbridge can be an investment with long-term returns.

solar panel installation by GR Regan

Our Edenbridge Solar Panel Installation Services

GR Regan operates in Edenbridge and throughout Kent and the southeast, providing a full service, from initial roof inspections and solar panel recommendations to aftercare and periodic maintenance to keep solar energy systems working efficiently. Each system requires an inverter, which is installed at the same time as the panels, and converts the solar energy from DC into AC, compatible with all household appliances.

While solar panels work in all weather conditions, it is important to maximise exposure to direct sunlight, and we can advise on the best places to install your panels depending on the size of the roof, the aspect, and any other factors, such as overhanging trees creating shade.

South-facing roofs are ideal, but if you have limitations on where you can fit your solar panels, we can help with suggestions such as increasing the number of panels or the cells within each panel, selecting higher-performance solar panels with the greatest efficiency, or installing other components that boost the energy collected.

All our quotations are no-obligation, and as a family-run company with decades of experience serving the local community, we are happy to answer any questions you may have, either about choosing your solar energy system or the installation process itself.

Considerations When Installing Solar Panels on Your Edenbridge Property

We often speak with clients unsure about whether they need planning permission to fit a set of solar panels, and the good news is that this is rarely necessary, excluding listed properties or those with other restrictions. If you need help submitting a planning consent application, in these cases, do let us know, and we can assist with technical system specifications and other supporting documentation.

However, solar panel systems do need to be registered with the appropriate Distribution Network Operator – this is the organisation that manages electricity distributions in your area. In Edenbridge, this is very likely to be UK Power Networks (South East), and we can submit the registration on your behalf.

Finally, you may wish to register for the Smart Export Guarantee. This scheme provides payments for homeowners with solar energy systems that generate surplus power exported to the National Grid.

There are several criteria, and if your solar panels are expected to produce more energy than you need in your home, we can advise further, including options to install a solar battery to conserve the power generated for your own use on demand.

solar panels house

Advantages of Installing Solar Panels in Edenbridge

Aside from the solar panels and battery, switching from mains electricity to clean solar power makes little difference to your property, and you remain connected to the Grid should you need to top up your power supply.

Solar panels offer varied benefits, from lowering your electricity bills by a large margin, improving your carbon footprint by around one tonne per year, and ensuring your home is eco-friendly and sustainable.

For any further information about our Edenbridge team or to arrange a consultation, please get in touch.